I've been bouncing a bit on the surface of the planet. Here are scraps from the devices in reverse order - not sure why.
First - a trip to the DOJO garage where I drew a metal piece (i was just passing by - Lovely to see real metal coming out of a marker sketch) on someone's bike.
This is my lovely project.
And this was my lovely... F2. Not sure about future.
And here goes some trips.
Secret place with lovely people.
Yearly photo moment. Happy 63 mom!
I wanted to see a movie in Tel Aviv. This is where I manged to get :)
Marele Zgomot (See the Palestine shop in Jaffa)
Backstabbing gear.
From left to right... The Backstabbers :)
Fallout gear :)
Israel snaps
Black Sea
The Dojo Crew at Wheels Arena Bucharest :) Yaay!
My Hotel room
(one early early morning - without sleep i sneaked out and went to see around )