I do adore the small and self conducted experiments each goes to. There were so few vegetarians when meat was hard to get ;. I keep hearing: I dropped the bread. I don't eat sweets anymore. We quit drinking sodas - we're on tea now.
And tea was the subject that day... swirling the mind without a teaspoon.

Every little shift comes from a bit of self love, a sense of sacrifice and a hint from... well... each time i made a change in my life was due to a muse.

Madalina owns a small tea shop. I now love tea and small shops :)
I still drink a lot of crap but i hope the vice of better myself will never leave me.

Model: Madalina Ivascu
Hairstyle/Make-up with real, good tea: Diana Ionescu
Location: Deemers Teahouse - Academiei

L. :))
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