Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Warm-up Sketches

It's been way too long since I got the time to fight the pencil.
Almost forgot how lovely is to get a challenge from a muse.
Thanks to my lovely friends for inspiring me to try to capture them. I hope to be able to keep at it. Stand by.

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G.I.  photo Gina_Iacob_WIP_print2.jpg

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Just a quickie

This was meant to be longer and more polished but a quick visit to the Dojo and the amount of the work I still have on my hands forced me to wrap it up "as is"

Scrolling a deal down you might find the photos from that day - I hope I have them on the blog - can't remember :) 
Anyway - this was a nice project at the garage and I'm always happy to help the boys out. 
Soon, my own red will be complete... hopefully. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Mono MonoJacks - Go Daddy

The Monojacks And The Backstabbers *heart* 

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