And here we were on our way to Tasuleasa Social.

Sin bins - I think i mistakenly dropped my LUST in the LAZINESS bin ???
(Cand pui lenea la desfrau... sau invers... )

Lyrics from "Bacovia Overdrive" on a paper bag - in the recording studio.

American Football player signing his contract for the first season. And people are still wondering what's with the sports t-shirts.

And while preparing for the major event of launching the 1st album with Robin (above) And The Backstabbers - I ended up in a famous night club. A lovely Italian girl insisted to lose her flight that very morning.

The lead of infamous band The Constantines - due to which existence our band came to be had the kindness to join us on stage for our album launch.
Here's Bry Webb (Right) -between our Stalingrad themed barbwired stage equipment, sand bags and the rest - sound check for the first concert of the tour. What an amazing dude. Yeah - Florin (right) is happy to share the moment.

Dragging our shadows in our way to Cluj - for our 2nd sold out concert. Thank you all.

If you know a bit of our outdoor campaign, you know that we launched the album in the mid of elections. S touring the country we got to see some other shows destined to link the art with the masses - in somehow different ways and with different purpose.
Here's a stop-by from our trip.

And on our return to Bucharest - we were nominated at Elle Style Awards - here's part of our entry to the event :)

Soon after, I find myself in Guangzhou - China - and looking upon their biggest tower.
What ? I can do a free fall on top of that tower?
Umm.. i'll have two tickets please. Yes.. both for me! Shie Shie!

Hey Bumblebee - see that tower behind you? That antenna ? I "jumped" from that. Piece of cake :) .

Water bottles with light bulbs.

Getting back to Shanghai for few days - and I found out I got a new brother. Let's drink to that.

Back in Bucharest - time to make new friends.

I got back from China on X-mass day. Few days later I was deep into the Transylvanian mountains - 70km away from the nearest gas station. No cell reception. No electricity. Lovely people and amazind surroundings. Here are some snaps from there and from the trips.

Passionate followers of this blog (no worry there is no one) will remember these places form previous posts.

We got to ski for free too. A new track called Transalpina was just opening and we all got in for free several days in a row.

This snow is weird! :P No human intervention mind you - the whole hill was full of peeling snow.
Where are the penguin surfers now ?


Umm... half way of the trip - I ran out of gas. I had to find the lady running a very remote gas station - knock on her door, ask her to come and serve me some gas. Not much... just few litters...

Ahh... nothing like a good read in the woods...

The Scooby-Dojo - our trusted tour van - full 4x4 - prepped up and going wild - oh the thrills she knows to give.

And part of the crew.

Hijacking a love letter to Madalina...

Much needed...

Look at that hand... this boy's got talented fingers :) :) :)

I haven't had time to draw/paint - music and the job and the other projects take all of my brain power.
I manged to sketch here and there - mostly stupid stuff in Robin's notes book - among poetry ideas and random texts (I can get his handwriting - so everything seems random to me in that book)
Those drawings will be his to show - here's just a reminder (for self) that I once was MAD about drawing/painting - and that as soon as i free myself up (yeah right) I should take a week and paint until I go colorblind.

The place of constant near death (in terms of.. silence and haunting thoughts)

umm.. and.. actual bodies. :P

Scooby-Dojo versus blizzard - but.. the windows here closed... kind of! :)

Random grabs from the road.

All cool vehicles come in yellow. Except Ferraries.

Ice beach... from here on... it's on.

gotta love a spot of color

or few spots of white (don't judge the result but the intention)

And we're already in 2013. What ? Ski again? Off piste ? Sure. Bunch of amazing friends and great Palinca ?. Let's go!

National TV show - artist's locker :)

a small backstabbing contribution.

And here are the VIP Magazine awards - oh dear...

Ah, inside that notebook... there the random Robin's thought and my mischievous sketches :) Gotta detour the mind of the poet you see?

Why I read playboy. And.. when friends are on the cover (giggles)

The other coverstory of my life.

ANd here are signs that I've had spoiled weekends - from time to time.

Now, remember the Pornozaur ? This was our (me and my brother's) race car for more than an year in the Offroad Championship.

1 comment:
:)) the other coverstory of your life :))
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